Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

“Because I love myself today I…”

Treated myself to french fries after a routine Zoladex injection. Today was fairly busy with work, medical stuff, a council meeting, and more freelance work. I was feeling a little tired and worn when my partner started sharing ridiculous BTS dance videos cut to Bee Gees songs while I was wrangling Excel. Afterwards, he got me to sing along with songs from that BTSxBeeGees playlist, which really was what I needed in the moment. Music and love.


“Because I love myself I…”

Stayed up to listen to this genius Bee Gees vs BTS playlist. Believe it or not, the transitions totally work. Let me know what you think!


“Because I love myself today I…”

Signed on to a weekly ASL chat group with my mom that I’d been missing off and on all semester. I’m woefully out of practice and have so much to catch up on but it felt really good to sign again. 🙌

What’s something you enjoy doing that you haven’t done in a while?

💗 #lovemyselfchallenge2021

“Because I love myself today I…”

Am allowing myself to feel good about:

– Creating from near scratch our office’s current intern program. My interns have worked hard yet still say they’ve enjoyed their time in the office and my supervisors have noted that my approach seems to be going well so far.

– Finishing half of my 10 page paper due Monday. This does mean I’ll be writing madly this weekend and I’m only halfway through but it’s been such a slog to get even this far, I’m taking the win where I can.

– Listening to the song below. “Shine, dream, smile.” That pretty much sums up my current goals for the rest of this month.


BTS :: Mikrokosmos

“Because I love myself today I…”

Took a break from banging my head on this essay I can’t seem to write and ran off to see Sweet Honey in the Rock. Still tired, still low energy, but I came away somehow rested.

If you ever get the chance to see them live, don’t think twice. Just go.

💗 #lovemyselfchallenge2021